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General Index

1Aalborg - Agout29M'Kinlay - Marlborough
2Agra - Alton30Marlow - Midnapur
3Altona - Arbe31Mikhailov - Morpeth
4Arbela - Auwuradah32Morris - Natchitoches
5Auxerre - Banka33Natividad - Nipigon
6Bankot - Belmont34Nipissing - Onim
7Belmullet - Blanco35Onon - Paracatu
8Blanco - Brede36Paraguay - Pieve
9Bredevoort - Buseu37Pikes - Princess
10Bushman - Car38Princess - Reikiavik
11Carniola - Chatsworth39Reinosa - Rothiemay
12Chattahoochee - Clyde40Rothiemurchus - St. Luce
13Clyde - Crato41St. Lucia - San Francisco
14Crediton - Denmark42Sanga - Sarabat
15Denny - Duirat43Saraburi - Sennar
16Duisburg - Entre44Senne - Siang
17Entre - Flinders45Siang-in - Skunk
18Flinders - Gargano46Skutari - Staines
19Garliestown - Goornong47Stalbridge - Sung-kiang
20Gooruncondah - Guingamp48Sungum - Tapeira
21Guipuzcoa - Helena49Tapera - Than-hoa
22Helensburgh - Hysker50Thasos - Torrisdal
23Hythe - Jericho51Torshok - Uganda
24Jericho - Kennebec52Ugie - Vet
25Kennedy - Koh-i-Baba53Vetluga - Warburton
26Koh Kut - Lanzarote54Wardha - Whycocomagh
27Lanzo - Lismore55Whydah - Yang-tse-kiang
28Lismore - Mackenzie56Yang-tsi - Zwolle

© Copyright Bruce Hunt